viernes, 29 de junio de 2007
Thursday 28th of June,2007
I forgot write yesteday because I was quite busy. Yesterday class was very normal but only went four of eight students. We practiced with different kinds of exams for will be more relax for next monday, when we will be our final exam.
Friday 29th of June,2007.

This is the last time that I wrote for my dear Blog because today is the last day of the course.
Today I did not go to the school, I dicided to come to my home yesterday and I am not in Puebla, I am in Tlaxcala. Writing in the Blog was a good experience for me and helps me to develope my writing skills. I only should study for my final exam that will be next monday and I think is not a problem, I hope to obtain a good grade.
jueves, 28 de junio de 2007
Wednesday 27th of June,207
Tuesday 26th of June,2007

Today in class we finished the last unit of the book, I think is not necesary more classes, because the course was finished. But the calendar says that the course finish in three days and I do not have more absences for don't go to class. We finished the book with an excercise about correct some mistakes in a letter, I think this kind of excercises are the most difficult for me and I need to do more excercises because I am not very good.
lunes, 25 de junio de 2007
Monday 25th of June,2007

Today in class we saw a film of course in english, the film was "My cousin Vinny".Before the movie we did some excercise of vocabuary about law, because the film was about a crime. When we knew some vocabulary we saw all the movie and after the movie we answered some excercices about the film. I loved the class of today because I think was wonderful because I practiced my listening skills and was fun to see a movie. We should see more movies because was great.
Friday 22th of June,2007

I did not go to the school because I am sick yet and I do not know anything about school.
I hope my class do not learn a new topic because I am worried for the final exam that will be in one week. Today I could not do an exam of maths and I hope the teacher wants change me the date of the exam because if I do not do the exam I will be dead man.
Thursday 21th of June,207

Today I did not go to school because I have cold and flu. We have a homework about a video of Youtube, we need to choose a video of a conversation and then make a report about the conversation. I chose a video of The Simpson because is my favorite cartoon. With this homework we practice our listening skills and writing skills. I like homeworks that are not very commons like this. I hate homeworks like answer pages of the book.
miércoles, 20 de junio de 2007
Wednesday 20th of June,2007

Today we practiced our listening skills, we saw a video about the history of Nashville Tenesee, and how it turned in the american music capital.
Before the video we thought in some specific words that could be in he video. The names of people, of places, the relationship between the people, especif numbers like dates or amounts are the most important things. We should write this words for could give an opinion about a listening or a video because you can remeber a complete phrase with only a word.
Tuesday 19th of June,2007
Today the teacher divided us in pairs for to do some exercices of PRESENT PERFECT.
After a few minutes all teams explained their parts, I think this method is very good for learn a new topic because you understand very well some part and you can expalin the topic easily.
And the class is more interactive and less boring.
I think we should do more this excercise because the class is more interesting and it will change a lot.
After a few minutes all teams explained their parts, I think this method is very good for learn a new topic because you understand very well some part and you can expalin the topic easily.
And the class is more interactive and less boring.
I think we should do more this excercise because the class is more interesting and it will change a lot.
martes, 19 de junio de 2007
Monday 18th of June,2007

When I have an english homework I always use the trasnlator of Google, because is very fast and is extremly easy use it. You can download a bar for don't acces to the main page. You should find word by word because is more eficient. Another fantastic tool is "LONGMAN DICTIONARY ONLINE", this dictionary is one of the most completes and you can hear the prounciation of the word that you are finding. For my recording I used this dictionary and it was very easy know how pronuciate some words.
Friday 15thof June,2007

We have been practicing our talkigs skills, today we did a simulation of an informacial, we did the dialogues and then we presented our commercial. I guess this exercise is quite good for develop our talking skills. We have a homework about recorded a cd with our voice, we should download an article form BBC World News and recorded with special software called Audacity. I dicided recorded an article about the Amazon River. I think this learn method is very good because we need how pronuciate some words that we do not know and we practice our fluency.
viernes, 15 de junio de 2007
Thursday 14th of June, 2007

Today we read an article about the success of Apple, a very famous electronic brand. In the article, Apple recomends four suggestions for to be a succesful company.
1. Innovation
2. Simplicty
3. Ignore the market (sometimes)
4. Learn of past mistakes.
I think my reading skills are improving. A great tool for understand better a text is try to guess the meaning of the words that you do not understand. I practiced this method in this article and was great.
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007
Wednesday 13th of June,2007

The quizz of today was about describe a photo like yesterday, and I could not answer the last question because I don´t have enough time. I think need work more my writing skills because I am not very good.
We learn a lot of vocabulary about food like verbs, types, tableware and instructions. Whit the new words that I learned I will do my vocabulary notebook for this week.
I think we should do more excercises like this because is very easy learn vocabulary with a main topic.
Tuesday 12th of June,2007

Today in class we practice our speaking and talking skills but with another learn method. This time we describe everything that we see in a photograph, the people, the place, when was taken the photo, the weather, and what happen after and before the picture.
I think it was a great method because we practice a lot of tenses, a lot of vocabulary and how to use the comma and the period. I think is very useful correct that mistakes because in my case it was too many.
martes, 12 de junio de 2007
Monday 11tt of June,2007

We have practiced the reading skills, the speaking skills and today I have a homework for practice my writing skills, I need to do a letter about my halibilities for try to obtain a job, is not iterestig for me but I should give it tomorrow.
I don´t like write because I don't know wath write, I prefer read or talk, but I think is a great oportunity to learn how and what write of course with the teacher's help.
domingo, 10 de junio de 2007
Friday 8th of June,2007

Yesterday and today we practiced our talking skills, I like read something and after read, talk about the text and give an opinion, I think this exercise is very interesting and good because develops reading skills and talking skills and don't write sentences for remeber the main idea, and write only words are somes advices for talk better. This exercise was wonderful for me because my talking skills are not good and I would like to do again more exercises like this.
Thursday 7th of June,2007

Today in class we read an article about mind and how conserve it better, I love it because sometimes forget our most important quality, our brain, we can follow some advices like eat more healthy and reduce our stress levels, but the most important is practice mind excercises every day for keep healthy our mind. Read a book, play chess and memory games are examples of mind exercises. I think we should read more articles like these because are very interesting and we practice our reading skills.
viernes, 8 de junio de 2007
Wednesday 6th of June,2007

Today after 10 years of listen the song of Pink Floyd , "Money" I understood the lirycs of the song, "Money" talks about the problems that causes the cash, Pink Floyd say : "The money is the root of all evil today", and "why does anyone do anything?".
"Money" is one of the more succesful hits of Pink Floyd, these song is recorded between 1972 and 1973 for the "Dark side of the moon" album in the Abbey Road Studios and Roger Waters wrote the lirycs.
I think "Money" is quite sad and extremely deep, is good for reflect about somes situations and the music is absolutely wonderful.
jueves, 7 de junio de 2007
Tuesday 5th of June,2007

Today we did not have class because the teacher was sick, yesterday night I found a National Geographic magazine in english, I read a little article before sleep, "Muslims in America" this article talks about how many muslims live in Canada and U.S., in the U.S. exist 1209 mosques and one Islam Educacion Center, and there are seven million of muslims in America and in Canada the 2% of the all population are muslims. In the U.S. the cities with more muslisms are New York, Boston, Washington D.C, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
lunes, 4 de junio de 2007
Monday 4th of June,2007

Today was the firts weekly exam and it was definitely very very difficult for me, the exam had 5 parts, the firts was vocabulary, this part it wasn't so difficult, the second part consisted in complete a paragraph with the correct past tense and it wasn't difficult either, the third part it was a reading and this part it was the most difficult to me, the fourth part trated to correct the mistakes of the 10 sentences and it was very complicated and the last part of the exam it was the most easy for me, write a paragrah about my life. I'm worried because I studied for the exam and I couldn't answer well.
jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007
My history of learning english

Really I don't remeber when begin to estudy english maybe at primary school 13 years ago, but I remeber that always was the same topics, the same teacher, the same way to teach from 1st to 6th. In High school again I don't learn very well, in this case because I never put atention and for me English class it was the most boring. Well this is my sad history.
My description

My name is Josè Gonzalo, I have 18 years old, I'm from Tlaxcala but I live in Puebla, I'm studying financial administration at Tec de Monterrey. I have short and black hair, small mouth, big nose, small and black hair ,I'm small for my age and a little fat. I love read, my favorite writer is Julio Verne, I don't like me the school, I love trance and progressive music and I like the old rock bands like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Rolling Stones. I don't like me the most of the fruits and vegetables I'm almost totally carnivorous. And the moments that I enjoy are: number 1: be with my family and number 2: be with my friends.
Thursday 31th of May, 2007

Today when I was walking to my home after a hard day of school I was seeing the sky and thinking what to do for this homework and I listened a song of the Beatles , Help¡ and I dicided investigate one of the more crazy song of them: Lucy in the sky with diamods. Jhon Lennon wrote this song and the Beatles recorded the song for the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album in 1967. Lucy in the sky with diamods talk about a girl with kaleidoscope eyes, newspaper taxis, mermelade skies and cellopane flowersand another crazy things. The main idea of course our WONDERFUL IMAGINATION.
Wenesday 30th of May, 2007
Today was the second class, we are only nine in the course and I think its great because we can take advantage of this situation for learn more quickly and better. My companions are nice and this make feel well
Really I don't like me the quizzes every day because I'm very lazy and I prefer estudy only for an exam, but I think is good for me these way to learn because I'm forced to estudy every single day.
Really I don't like me the quizzes every day because I'm very lazy and I prefer estudy only for an exam, but I think is good for me these way to learn because I'm forced to estudy every single day.
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